WHAT Moobow is a vessel collection designed to nurture a more ethical relationship with milk through the use of playful interactions among children, with the ultimate aim to phase out mass dairy production.
WHY Global dairy consumption is on the rise, along with the huge environmental and ethical issues that come with it. We consume more milk than any other dairy product, yet it remains the least valued one. By encouraging behavioral change, we can progressively shift our relationship with milk, whilst also supporting the farmers who sell their milk raw. These are the key objectives for my project.
HOW I designed a vessel collection to boil, store, and serve the milk. The users are guided to empathise with what a portion size should be, thanks to the recipient’s handy measurement guidelines. The new understanding users gain through this concept can lead to phasing out the mass production and consumption of our dairy. Moobow is targeting kids aged between 4 and 9 years old, who at this age can adapt to new rituals and behaviours with ease. The collection has been designed to engage playful interactions based on the ideas of satisfaction, threat, and visual trick.